Here are the pros and cons of using SARIMAX (Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average with eXogenous variables) as a forecasting model:

When considering the use of SARIMAX as a forecasting model, it’s important to assess the specific characteristics of your data, the presence of seasonal patterns, the availability of exogenous variables, and the trade-offs associated with complexity and computational requirements. SARIMAX can be a powerful tool for forecasting time series data with seasonality and the potential impact of external factors, but it may not always be the best choice for every forecasting scenario.


  1. Seasonality handling: SARIMAX can effectively handle data with seasonal patterns by incorporating seasonal components into the model, making it suitable for forecasting time series with recurring seasonal variations.
  2. Flexibility: SARIMAX allows for the inclusion of exogenous variables, enabling the model to incorporate additional information or factors that may impact the forecasted variable.
  3. Interpretability: SARIMAX models provide interpretable parameters that can offer insights into the relationship between the variables and their impact on the forecast.
  4. Statistical foundation: SARIMAX is based on solid statistical principles and has a strong theoretical foundation, which can provide confidence in the model’s performance.
  5. Well-established methodology: SARIMAX has been widely used in time series analysis and forecasting, and there is a wealth of literature and resources available to guide model implementation and interpretation.
  6. Accurate forecasts: When applied appropriately to the right type of data, SARIMAX models can produce accurate forecasts, especially for stationary and well-behaved time series.


  1. Data requirements: SARIMAX models typically require a sufficient amount of historical data to accurately estimate the model parameters, especially for complex seasonal patterns.
  2. Complexity: Implementing SARIMAX models can be more complex compared to simpler forecasting methods, as it involves identifying the appropriate order of differencing, autoregressive, moving average, and seasonal components, as well as handling exogenous variables.
  3. Computational requirements: Estimating SARIMAX models can be computationally intensive, especially for large datasets or models with high-dimensional exogenous variables.
  4. Sensitive to parameter selection: The performance of SARIMAX models can be sensitive to the selection of model parameters, and choosing the appropriate orders for autoregressive, moving average, and seasonal components can be challenging.
  5. Assumption of stationarity: SARIMAX models assume stationarity, meaning that the statistical properties of the data do not change over time. If the data violates this assumption, the forecasts may be less accurate.


When considering the use of SARIMAX as a forecasting model, it’s important to assess the specific characteristics of your data, the presence of seasonal patterns, the availability of exogenous variables, and the trade-offs associated with complexity and computational requirements. SARIMAX can be a powerful tool for forecasting time series data with seasonality and the potential impact of external factors, but it may not always be the best choice for every forecasting scenario.