It is 4:30 in the morning. I am sitting in my study and thinking about my client who asked me to evaluate his social media marketing strategy.

My mind wonders back to my meeting.

Martin, my client, calls in Peter to join the conversation about Facebook. “How many friends to we have?” ask Peter. “We have 5780 friends and shortly we will have 6000 friends” replies Peter, feeling quite proud of his achievement. “Are we getting any conversation between our friends on the page?”” We don’t know if we are converting any friends into clients” says Martin.

I jump across to Google to look at their website. The website is fair to poor, Its chatbox is clunky. I go back to my word document.

They don’t have any idea about social media marketing other than they know they need a website and a Facebook page.

Social media is purely for conversation. A website is for conversion.

They have not followed the above rule.

I uncover a social media marketing plan with no strategy!


Facebooks posts do not require that the post to be a work of art, crafted by a graphic designer. It must be presentable; no spelling errors and it must create a conversation with the reader.

There Facebook page have these problems: –

  1. It is failing to drive the visitor to their website where they can go into more detail about the post and their company.
  2. On analyzing out their Facebook account, they have 5780 friends but only got 1682 fans. They are not asking for “Likes”. They are not engaging with their friends. The more likes you have on the post, the more you will get. Its human nature to be part of the group and the more people will “like” the post. Social media will rank it higher if it acquires lots of likes, dislikes, wow and emojis,
  3. My client does not get any analytics out to understand which posts are interesting to their friends. They were not aware that a post went viral on 20 September and therefore could not capitalize on it. To see some Facebook analytics
  4. They are not segmenting their market!
  5. The main stumbling block is they don’t drive the visitors to their website.


Their website does not offer anything to entice the visitor to part with their contact details and to get them to opt-in to future communication. They don’t know who has visited their page. Where did the visitor drop off the website and if there was anything that was interesting to the visitor. To learn more

Their chatbot does not serve its purpose to engage with the visitor

On the shopping cart, if you decide to not complete the transaction, there is no pop menu to offer the visitor a discount / eBook to get their personal particulars

If you treat Facebook as a hobby, it will pay you as a hobby. If you treat Facebook as a opportunity to make money, it will generate serious money!!

In my next blog I will analyze out their Facebook account and offer suggestions to turn this situation around, 

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